時計を見て! もう帰らなきゃの英語
- Look at the time! I'd better be going home.
- 時計 時計 とけい watch clock
- も も 藻 duckweed seaweed algae 摸 copy imitate 裳 ancient skirt 喪 mourning
- なき なき 泣き weeping lamenting 亡き the late the deceased
- もう もう 蒙 ignorance already soon more again 罔 net
- もう家に帰らなきゃ。 I have to go home now.
- そろそろ行かなくちゃ。/もう帰らなきゃ。/もう行かなくちゃ。/もう失礼しなきゃ (It is) Time (for me) to shove off. / (I) Got to shove off〔 【用法】 帰るときに使う言葉〕
- 出掛けなきゃ。/帰らなきゃ。 1. Gotta go. 2. I'd better get going. 3. Time to go.
- デート、本当に楽しかったわ。でも……あの……えーと……もう家に帰らなきゃ。 I really enjoyed our date, but...um... well...I have to go home now.
- オレもそう思う。帰らなきゃ。あとで電話する。 I think so, too. I gotta go. I'll call you later.
- もちろん!でも残念だけどもう帰らなくちゃ… Yes, I am! But I'm afraid I have to go now...
- 時計を見た。 I looked at the clock [time].
- 時計を見る 1. consult a clock 2. consult one's watch 3. look at one's watch 4. look consult one's watch
- うーん。帰らなきゃ。奥さんが電話してきてさ、家に帰らないとだめなんだよ。 Well. I gotta go. My wife called me. I have to go home.
- もう行かなくては(なりません)。/もう帰らなくては(なりません)。 1. I have to go. {1} 2. I have to run. 3. I've got to go [run, rush] (now).
- 腕時計を見る look at one's wrist for a watch